Monday, January 31, 2011

Creating exercise through movement

Today we had lab and  I didn't really know what to expect. But when we were done i  completely understood the importance of basic movement skills. After only a few minutes of doing physical activities through obscure games i was sweating and my heart beat was up. I realized how with just a few different types of equipment, space and enthusiasm you can create physical fitness to its best. Especially with a large group of people you might have trouble finding a way to get everyone's heart rate up and giving them a good workout. But with the use of your imagination and creativity you can create unlimited number of physical activities that will give you great physical fitness in return. Not only did i feel like i got a great workout during the activities but i know that i was learning and using my brain during the activities. Which is an important concept that we are learning as future physical educators. I had a blast during the lab today and can't wait for the next time when we get to work with the kids from St. Mary's! Hope everyone had as good of a time as i did.

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